Good Morning Everyone! Happy new month, the month of LOVE. I recited my "rabbit rabbit" for good luck today. It's hard to believe that I have been here for 3 weeks already, but at the same time, it feels as though I have been here much longer. Time goes quickly, and then slowly, and then all of a sudden, a week has gone by :).
Side note: they are playing "Gangsters Paradise" on the radio right now. Do they even know what a "hood" is? I definitely haven't seen anyone with corn-rows yet. That leads me to a realization I had about city infrastructure. Some of my friends live in flats here in the city (they couldn't stand the dorm anymore). Some of them claim to be in really nice neighborhoods, but when I visit them there, I have one hand on my purse and the other clutching my keys to use as a weapon in case of assault. It's interesting that the nice areas of Bratislava kind of look like the projects in Cleveland. I feel safe in the city, but when you're riding the bus to work, the buildings look rather beat up and drab (communism?) I suppose it has to do with building maintenance and city funding for beautification initiatives. The fact that there is spray painted nonsense everywhere doesn't help. I'm sure grafitti would be more tolerated if it resembled something like, oh, ART. There are amazing things that you can do with street art (there are examples in every major city in the US), but just writing your "tag" on the door of an otherwise beautiful building is stupid, and a waste of talent. I don't care of you're marking your turf for others to see, or if you just get a rush from social deviance. NO ONE appreciates what you did at 3 in the morning with your sloppy black spray can and lack of imagination. There is an interesting story about it in the Slovak Spectator.
Ok. Side note is over.
I was talking to Bethany this morning (Lord knows why she was awake...silly girl) and she informed me that Barack Obama has won South Carolina. I was baffled, but I guess that the usually democratic, but still pretty racist, state decided to pick a man over a woman, and look to the side about his ethnicity. The funny thing to me is that John Edwards wasn't chosen in his HOME STATE. That says something. To me he is merely an ambulance chaser with better hair than the guys at Elk & Elk. Personally, I don't like any of the candidates that are running for any of the parties, and I'm thinking about living in Europe until 2012 to avoid the issues that will probably arise as soon as the ballots are cast. The only person I really know, or respect, is John McCain. This does not mean that I want to see him in office, but as a person I believe he should be revered.
Thats about all I can squeeze out on politics. I was overloaded for 4 years. I need a break.
I think that is all for now, it's almost time for lunch!!!!!
1 hour ago
Rabbit Rabbit! Yes, I said it, too. Perhaps that's why Bethany was awake so early. Or maybe she's just in training for when she goes back to student teaching this semester - waking up by 6:00am each day is not the normal college student's preference.
It is sad when "self expression" ruins things for others. It doesn't really matter whether a democracy is young or old, liberal or conservative, we all struggle with it. Striking a balance between freedom and responsibility is something every citizen should achieve, but there are those who refuse. Law enforcement is relatively powerless in such situations - can't be everywhere at once, and there are always issues more important to address than petty vandalism and graffiti. And cities have limited budgets to repair or clean. So the punks get away with it, and we all regret the damage.
The US political process is dominating the news around here, as we approach "Super Tuesday," when about 20 states, including Calif, NY, ILL and others will vote their preferences. Barack and Hilary are neck and neck, while McCain seems to be pulling ahead of Romney. Everyone else is irrelevant by now. Yes, poor John Edwards couldn't seem to pull it together, with his perfect hair and message of wealth transfer (otherwise known as ending poverty). More to come.
Hippity hop. I am so glad you can talk to your sisters so often. You are sharing so much of your day and your thoughts that I feel I am seeing a new side of Elise.
Is the president any more than a figurehead? Who is really running the government- the lobbyists? My main concern is that we keep a strong military and have good negotiators for peace in place. I am happy women can vote and run for office. I think Hillary is going to win, but I hope someone smarter than she will develop the healthcare plan.
So, Miss America keep being a good ambasador for the US and gather all the good ideas from EE to share with us.
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