Friday, February 22, 2008


So, my weeks have become more and more full since I've moved to Bratislava.  I am now working 5 days a week, teaching 2 days a week, possibly going to Slovak lessons, and swimming at least once a week.  I also have "dates" with my friends (they're GIRLS Matt, settle yourself) and help out our local AIESEC chapter when they do language exams.  (more a native speaker, i feel used)

No wonder I am always so sleepy.

The good news is, I now have WiFi (or, weefee, as they all it here) in my dormitory, so I will be able to spend less time at the office strapped to my desk and more time lounging in my room trying to figure out how to concoct a passable dinner from limited ingredients. (see photo)

(desperate? i think so...)

I'm no longer starving myself because I got paid last week. It was only half of my salary, because I only worked during half of the month of January, but is money.  I was depressed about the fact that I had opened a Slovak bank account, but didn't have any money to put in it!  Now, I have a positive balance and a not-as-empty wallet.  Also, now that I am teaching 2 English classes a week (one public, one private for a real estate company called IURIS) I will have a bit more dough to work with when it comes to making plans, buying groceries, and most importantly, paying rent.  Wait, I think I have that wrong...I meant making plans, paying rent, and most importantly, BUYING GROCERIES.  

I realize that I may not have a whole lot of cash left over when I am finished here, but at least I will not have to drain the resources I accumulated while living in Myrtle Beach.  Therefore, I am only circumstantially poor.  I can live with that.  Besides, changing Slovak korunas into American Dollars isn't exactly a worthwhile investment.  The exchange rate is usually around 22.5 Sk-1 USD.  We'll see how much is in my account come December.

I've also realized that when I get back to the States, I want to try and find a job that doesn't include sitting in front of a computer screen for 8 hours a day.  It's too robotic for me to handle....and I think my 20-15 vision is slowly deteriorating.  At least I started with better-than-perfect vision, that should slow down the process of having to get glasses from the drug-store like so many of the adults I know...(*cough* MOM *cough* DAD *cough*)  I need to be free to roam the streets, entertain clients, do field work, SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF THE OFFICE.  I know that this may not be a realistic aspiration in the beginning, but hopefully I can work my way into it somehow.

Any suggestions?

More pictures to come after this weekend. I'm going hiking outside of Bratislava...should prove to create some beautiful pictures.  People too...not just landscapes.  Promise.


Kimberly Cordell said...

What is in that can? You are not eating dog food are you? I have heard of desperate people doing that to save money. Do you need a can opener before you lacerate something? What is a mother to do?

scordell said...

"All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads and sows itself anew." Carlyle, from Boswell's Life of Johnson.

In other words, what you are doing is worthwhile, meaningful, and not only sustains you, but others as well.

It's also good that you're experiencing the "clerkship" role. "Of all the damnable waste of human life that ever was invented, clerking is the very worst." Bernard Shaw. The experience helps you define what you wish to do as a career, and learn what you must to do achieve that.

Now, about that starvation thing...

Peti said...

I see you're on the right way. A friend of my mastered the opening of the can with a knife. Was quite useful, as we didn't have a can opener...

And yes 22.50SKK = 1 USD... you should have come like 2 or 3 years ago, when the exchange rate was aorund 35-40SKK. So many students went for a summer internship back then.

And at the end I respect quite a lot how good you manage your time here. I hope I will be able to do the same, on my abroad XP! Enjoy the ride! :)