Thursday, October 23, 2008

Since we started...

we may as well continue!

In the previous post I talked about FREE RICE. Now, I am going to give a shoutout to FREE POVERTY. With this site you can donate cups of water to those in need. We did the food, and we need the drinks to go with it! Today I donated 750 cups, just by trying to identify cities and landmarks on a world map. They showed Cleveland and Akron, Ohio!! Of course, I got the maximum number of cups (10) for each of those.

Use your downtime at work wisely!


scordell said...

Such a little activist you are becoming. Good causes, both.

Unfortunately, even though the world is capable of producing more than enough to feed and clothe everyone, there are surpluses and shortages, those with plenty and those entirely without. It has ever been so - the "poor" and the issue of resource allocation were the subject of many Biblical references and parables (See Matthew 26:11, Deut 15).

But the fact that poverty has been around for so many years is not a reason to tolerate it, much less an excuse to ignore it. These websites are clear examples of ways everyone can help. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.

Kimberly Cordell said...

Does daddy have a Bible at the office? This may be the first time I have seen or heard him quote the words of Jesus.