Monday, August 25, 2008

MoP #2

So, I couldn't help myself from blogging 2 Moments of Peace in one day. I walked into the office after having a lovely lunch with my Danish friend Pernille, and what is on the radio?

Bruce Springsteen. Born in the USA.

Yes. I am proud to be an American. There is no shame in that.

Someone, coined "anonymous" decided to post the lyrics to the song as a comment asking me if I knew that the song was actually unpatriotic. Yes "anonymous" I did know. Springsteen has always voiced his political opinions about his disappointment with American bureaucratic decision making. However, sometimes you listen to specific lines of songs and they fill you with a nostalgia about the life you've lead and the people/things you've left behind. If you have ever left home for a place completely unfamiliar, you may know what I'm talking about. If not, then I hope you will accept this as another stated opinion, just not put to music.

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