Saturday, August 30, 2008

Moment of Peace (Straight from Turkey!)

The smell of the sea and the roll of the waves as I walked toward one of the main palaces. Priceless.

More to come from Istanbul!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Be vewy vewy qwiet

A strange thing happened to me today.

I was on my way home, and when I reached my building I saw that there was an obstruction in front of the door.

"What was it?" you ask

It was a person.


On the landing.

(and snoring)

I literally had to step over her in order to get into the doorway, but I was extra quiet because I didn't want to wake her (for her benefit and mine)

Has that happened to anyone else? Please share.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Up, Up & Away!

A couple of weeks ago I went to go see the Red Bull Air Race duel between two Central European Pilots that was staged on the Danube River in between Lafranconi and Novy Most bridges. I had seen the event on TV a couple of times, but actually BEING there made the whole thing much more interesting.

This is the view from where we sat! We took blankets and a picnic lunch and parked it around 2 hours early, and thank goodness! The place really filled up after we got there, which was kind of annoying because then we couldn't see properly. I swear, people around here have no concept of common courtesy. There was a whole group of us SITTING on the bank, and then when people started filing in, they would actually STAND in front of us so that we couldn't see! RIDICULOUS!

Erin!!!!! Nice hat ;).

This is the course they had to go through. There were 2 sets of inflatable pylons that they had to navigate, and then they were scored on speed, accuracy and all of that other cool pilot stuff that I don't know about, but have plenty of Navy/Air Force friends who could fill me in.

Daredevil helicopter!! He felt left out that the planes got to do all the tricks, so he did some acrobatics, including going upside down! I thought that was scientifically improbable, but then again, I did stop my Physics studies after high school.

One of the planes on the course! We were so close to the action!

Obviously we weren't the only people who wanted to get a closer look. This picture shows the LOADS of people lined up on Novy Most. Policemen had to herd people off the top of the bridge because they were disrupting traffic (there isn't a footpath up there)

Vicki...rocking it out :)

In between the heats we got to see a 4 plane display of aerial craziness. My favorite part was when two planes flew in tandem, while another one did barrel rolls around them! GENIUS.

All in all it was a great experience that I'm glad I got to witness live. I guess we had over 100,000 people there, which is more than have shown up for some of the proper shows where more than 2 pilots compete! Hey-O Bratislava!

MoP #2

So, I couldn't help myself from blogging 2 Moments of Peace in one day. I walked into the office after having a lovely lunch with my Danish friend Pernille, and what is on the radio?

Bruce Springsteen. Born in the USA.

Yes. I am proud to be an American. There is no shame in that.

Someone, coined "anonymous" decided to post the lyrics to the song as a comment asking me if I knew that the song was actually unpatriotic. Yes "anonymous" I did know. Springsteen has always voiced his political opinions about his disappointment with American bureaucratic decision making. However, sometimes you listen to specific lines of songs and they fill you with a nostalgia about the life you've lead and the people/things you've left behind. If you have ever left home for a place completely unfamiliar, you may know what I'm talking about. If not, then I hope you will accept this as another stated opinion, just not put to music.

Moment of Peace

Watching a Drag Queen fashion show on Project Runway. Can't get enough of that "Strut it while you tuck It" attitude.

yes. i just made that up.

Also, during the judging, RuPaul made the comment "What, did a dingo ate your baby too? You are just full of excuses!" That is for YOU Erin! (oh, and RuPaul's Australian accent is actually worse than mine! who knew?)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to Earth...

I was doing so well during the month of August! At least, until Matt James stepped off that plane in Vienna. Now, I will have to bombard you with a load of posts. Hope you're all ok with that! (not like you have a choice...this is my blog, and in the words of my boyfriend, "I do what I want!")

As a general statement however, I have been in Slovakia for a little over 7 months now, and I can't believe it is almost over. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was complaining that the shower in the dormitory was deteriorating on my head as I lathered my hair? That people were stealing my bryndze out of the fridge? Now, I have a proper kitchen with a gas stove and a roommate who loves to experiment with food? Plus, I only have 4 months to go! I know there are some people who are going to be very excited about that. Of course, I am included in that group :).

Stay tuned for the continuation of the saga that is my life!

Monday, August 18, 2008


i've been on a blissful vacation with my boyfriend Matthew.

I shall return when he decides to leave me and I am beside myself with grief.

love youuuuuu!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Moment of Peace

Quote of the Day:

(while watching the Men's Artistic Gymnastics qualifier)

Me: "I love how the men don't dance at all during the floor exercise. It's just LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!!!!"

Erin: "That's very male, just get in, do what you gotta do, and get out"

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

I found out today that my boss's monthly car allowance is more than my salary.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why is it that...?

Why is it that The Economist, one of the most reputable magazines for monetary issues, employs a method based on fast-food products to determine the valuation of global currency?


Let me elaborate.

Apparently, The Economist has a method called "The BigMac Index". Each year, the magazine collects the prices of Big Mac burgers in various states around the world, and based on those findings estimates the purchasing power of the currency. It's been coined "burgernomics".


Get this. Apparently its kind of accurate.

Joaquin Almunia, the European Commissioner for monetary issues, has already said that the US dollar is under-valued, while the Slovak Krown and Euro are over-valued. According to the "BigMac Index", the Euro is 50% over-valued, and the Slovak Krown is 13% over-valued.

So, what starts in mockery ends in truth?

I guess using a product that a large portion of communities indulge in is a good indicator of purchasing power...or their lack of gastronomic palate.

Pricey Living...

I have been living in Bratislava for almost 7 months now, and I believe I have done quite well for myself in terms of spending. My bank account is comfortably padded and I have cash left over. I rarely tap into my American account, and when I do it is for travel expenses (the point of me working 2 jobs during the summer when I should have been relaxing on the beach). Granted, I'm not a "real" city slicker because I don't pay much in the way of rent...but I don't get paid much in the way of salary either, so those two cancel each other out.


Apparently I live in the 45th most expensive city in the world! Can you believe it? New York is number 22, and that is the only US city in the top 50! If I can survive here on pittance, I can survive anywhere!

Here is what Yvonne Traber, a researcher at Mercer, had to say about it:

"Although the traditionally expensive cities of Western Europe and Asia still feature in the top 20, cities in Eastern Europe, Brazil and India are creeping up the list. Conversely, some locations such as Stockholm and New York now appear less costly by comparison"

Hmm. Maybe it is a good idea to move back to the United States after all?

On that point, I applied for a job yesterday with the U.N. Foundation as their Corporate and Foundation Relations Associate in Washington, DC. Keep me in your thoughts, because as of December 12, 2008 I am unemployed.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mayhem continued...

Day 4: I think the stove is mocking me, prompted by the showerhead.

Showering with cold water is not nice. It almost hurts your scalp! Plus, to make matters more obnoxious, shampoo does not lather properly!

Livia laughed at me this morning, and said "Oh yes, I remember that. They are preparing the pipes for the winter. Sometimes, it takes them a whole week. Maybe even two. We usually try to take vacations during those times"



Saturday, August 2, 2008

Colorful Explatives

Here is an insight to the ridiculousness that is my life.

I am currently heating water over the stove and pouring it into the bathroom sink so that i can wash my hair and face because for some reason, the hot water in our apartment is not working. We did not receive ANY notice that this was supposed to happen.

The best part? When I call my real estate company, they give me the phone run around, and when I finally get an answer, they say that they are not in charge, and that they will look into it on Monday.


I will not continue for fear of electronically assaulting someone.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Moment of Peace

It is the 1st of August, and how fitting to begin the month with a "Moment of Peace" segment!

Today, I was sitting at my computer typing away when all of a sudden I heard a very loud orchestral chord! It seems that as a part of the Viva Musica! program, they had a FULL orchestra in Hlavne Namestie! There was even a male singer who accompanied them.

Not wanting to completely miss it I went outside and around the corner to the square. It was fantastic! Beautiful music, with the musicians in their street clothes!

I can't think of a better way to start the month.