Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No one is invincible

As seen on ShoeboxBlog:

"Man vs. Wild host Bear Grylls seriously injured his shoulder on an Antarctic expedition over the weekend. A spokesperson for the Discovery Channel said that it’s miraculous that Bear Grylls wasn’t killed years ago."

I really do like their humor. Matt and I used to watch "Man vs. Wild" all the time. We both think Bear is ridiculously hott. That's two t's on purpose. You should see him in action. I am especially fond of his show in the Sahara. We were always fascinated about the fact that he didn't get frostbite, die of heat exhaustion, impale himself on something, or wasn't fatally attacked by the native fauna.


1 comment:

syd said...

i LOVE their humor. my favorite one was a few days ago about kevin federline: Kevin Federline says he was "completely blindsided" when Britney filed for divorce. Of course, Kevin is also completely blindsided every time bread comes out of the toaster all toasty.