So it seems that major retailers are reaching out to the 18-24 voting demographic by enticing them to vote tomorrow with promises of receiving discounts on their merchandise. Interesting. I've already received mail from American Apparel (15% + free shipping) and Steve Madden (20%). While I think this is an interesting tactic, I don't know if promoting civic duty through materialism is really the point of the whole thing. I wonder what Susan B. Anthony would say. She seemed like a stylish lady.
Don't worry Dad. Not engaging in the shopping part.
2 hours ago
Well, after a downward spyral towards total social apathy and strong consumerism, why not? If your brain is shutdown to politics but not to buying sprees (some defend it's the only way to feel good with them selfs, when they look around...twisted), it may be a weird combination that might result in some kind of awakening...who knows...
Oh, there's been an awakening alright. The more interesting situation will be whether those who have awakened did so because: (a) they truly now wish to get active and participate in helping our country climb out of its problems by becoming real, contributing members of society; or (b) they voted because they thought the "change" would manifest itself as more government handouts to support their apathetic lifestyle.
We'll see. The honeymoon will be over shortly.
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