Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In remembrance...

To the best lap warmer in the world. Thank you for being a part of our family for so long.

Katasha. April 1992 - November 2008. We lay you to rest next to your sister, Katerina.

I will miss you.

1 comment:

Kimberly Cordell said...

It is really strange to walk past the window or the chair where I would see our kitty everyday. All the women in my family are now gone or far away. So, it is time to visit you all some more and pester you the way only a mother can. By being helpful and honest, loving and nurturing, kissing and hugging you until you cringe; so that you will learn these skills for your "impending" motherhood. Pass down the tradition of unconditional care and micromanagement. Don't you miss me too?