Yesterday a group of my friends and I went to the Fine Arts School in Bratislava to view a Spanish film called La Ardilla Roja (The Red Squirrel). Luckily it had subtitles in English :). I have to say, it was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Mind you, its not supposed to be a comedy! (well, maybe a little, but Mediterranean Europeans are very emotional, so you never know) Pernille and I could not stop laughing at the words, the outfits and the irony! In general though, we all really enjoyed it, except than Beatrix, our resident Spaniard. When we commented on the amount of full frontal nudity she said "Oh that was nothing. Spanish movies always like that! Everwhere there is boobs! Boobs!" (i tried to keep the quote as original as possible) A must see for Spanish speakers, and international film enthusiasts.
Watching the film reminded me of when Matt and I were in the zoo in Prague. In one exhibit you have to go inside of the enclosure to walk around, sort of how a lot of places present the Rainforest exhibits. Well, little did we know that the Fruit Bat enclosure was OPEN TO THE WHOLE BUILDING. So much for the word enCLOSEure. The little bastards, cute as they are, were flying all around! One almost got me in the gut! Granted, for the most part they stayed within their "designated" area due to their impeccable sonar, but we sat there and watched to see the other visitors flip out as they walked in and realized they weren't just viewing, they were EXPERIENCING! Some of the winged crazies were even hanging from the rafters over our heads! Luckily we made it out alive. I didn't wear any sort of fruit smelling perfume that day.
In kind with international movies, here is one that people should see if they want a little bit if darkness in their life for 2 hours. Colin Farrell is brilliant. IN BRUGE! Erin and I watched this at her boss's house because they have a FULLY STOCKED theater in their house. I'm talking 1000x the Leonbruno's basement. These people are shameless, but generous.
5 hours ago
it's like when we all visited the smithsonian zoo in washington DC and their spider exhibit was also not enclosed.
yes, those very interesting amazon spiders that could probably KILL you were webbing about without glass freaking us all out as we ran through the door away from that exhibit.
You girls never told me these stories! My chidren are being attacked by animalia and I am helpless.
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