Thursday, January 17, 2008

This is my desk at the office.  There's plenty of space for me to do whatever I have to do.  It's nothing like the private office I had when I was working for the Health Policy Institute, but I like it.  My only issue are the climate extremes that the office apparently goes through.  Right now, it's cold.  I wear a sweatshirt essentially everyday, and my right hand is perpetually cold because thats the one I use to navigate the mouse.  In the summer though, it is ridiculously hot and there is no air conditioning!!!  Socialism/Communism has quite the effect on this country.  The building however, has a lot of history, and it is beautiful.  We have sky lights in every room, which is nice for board meetings when I get bored.  JUST KIDDING!  We haven't had one of those yet, but I'm sure when we do I will be paying attention.  Especially because I edited the agenda for the one coming up, and I am one of the things on the list!  I have to introduce myself to everyone.  I already know the Chairman, John Barter, and one of the directors, Renata.

This is the national theater.  It hosts a lot of classical music, etc.  Beautiful building in the main square a couple of blocks from my office.  McDonalds is to the left :)  I haven't been there.

These are some of my friends from AIESEC!!!  More of them came later.  All together I think there were around 12 of us!  We went to Slovak Pub last night for dinner because they thought I needed to experience some authentic Slovak cuisine.  I agreed.  The restaurant was really crowded, and the waitress was hilariously bad at her job.  My friend Dominic was almost decapitated several times by her tray.  She was doing her best, but its easy to pass judgement when you've experienced the same situation multiple times.  We has SUCH a good time.  A very typical European lasted around 2.5 hours.  We laughed, talked, ate, drank, it was wonderful.  The two girls on the far left are my roommates, Justina and Vaida.  They are fantastic!  Vaida came home today with 2 FULL BOXES of chocolate!  I'm talking varieties like you've never seen.  She and Juste (her nickname...pronounced yustah)  work for Kraft and get vouchers to buy chocolate once a month.  The best part is when there are "defect" packaging chocolates, because those are free, and OH so delicious.  Mommy, when you come, you are allowed to partake in the madness that is our sweet stash.  These things put Dove Bars to SHAME.

This is Bryndzové halušky.  That means potato dumplings and sheep cheese.  This one also included smoked bacon.  I ate it.  It was delicious.  I don't think I could ever say no to something this basic and flavorful.  It's almost like gnocchi.  I will be revisiting it.  The beer is good too!  Here it is called pivo, and there are a lot of different types brewed right here in Slovakia!  They are cheaper than mineral water :)  obviously I'm all about saving money!!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to post on my blog and send me emails and whatnot.  It really helps to make Slovakia feel more friendly.  I cannot wait until you all visit!  I'm experiencing new things every day, so I will be able to give you a proper "tour" when you arrive!

Love you all.


bjc said...

That food looks really gross. The contents sound good but all mixed together like that it looks gross. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. Good luck trying to get me to eat it.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm helping your boyfriend house shop tomorrow and then we are getting lunch. I'm being nice and being his friend for you. I'll let you know the results of our search.

My phone won't let me call you so if you're every going to talk to me you will have to call me somehow.

No more swearing on the blog. little children might read it. Or me. Which is close. Love you mucho mucho.

scordell said...

I'm afraid I have to disagree with the Bunny - I think it looks delicious! And the flavors, all blended together - fantastic!

I miss our European dinners - spending 2.5 hours over food, conversation and beverages. No waiter hanging nervously around the table, trying to rush us off so he can seat the next party. Enjoying each course in turn, with breaks in between. Truly, we should do that more often.