Monday, January 21, 2008

Things that you see when you're quiet

I would like to take time to introduce everyone to what I have dubbed "The Crayola Coiff Phenomenon".

What is that?

It is the creative, but semi-insane idea of women choosing their favorite crayon, taking it with them to the salon, and having the hairdresser (coiffeur) recreate it in their tresses.

An example: (I'm thinking a mix of Purple Mountains Majesty and Magenta)

To be honest, I have seen this sort of thing before. I have experimented with colored highlights and lowlights (I stand by the fact that my "eggplant" streaks were awesome). Kids that I went to high school with often dyed their hair strange colors for effect. However, none of these adventurous endeavors were meant as PERMANENT statements!

Women all over Bratislava, old and young, have ridiculous colored hair. It is even worse than the trend of using Kool Aid powder. Pensioners with flaming "Razzle Dazzle Rose" heads sit next to me on the bus. Teenagers with "Mango Tango" manes stalk the sidewalks. (that was for you, Dad and Hannah) The difference between these unfortunate souls and the throngs of celebrities that seem to do the same thing (the singer Vitamin C, for example) is QUALITY. If you don't have the money or time to really do your hair in the morning, it may be best to stick to natural looking enhancements, something that accents your natural features, or at least BLENDS with PASSABLE hair colors. Otherwise, your hair resembles an old halloween wig that you haven't bothered to brush since 1987.

Ok. That's my transport observation for the day.


Kimberly Cordell said...

Did you take that picture or just find it on the net? The world is full of creative people trying to express themselves in new and different ways. I can't imagine what our grandchildren have left to try. Be sure not to gawk when enjoying the sights- your mother taught you better.

scordell said...

Each of us finds a way to express, but also to attract attention. Some are more discreet than others, I guess. Mango Tango, eh? That's bright.

I agree - if it's something worth doing, it's something worth doing well.